Exercise Prevents Back Pain in Aloha Patients

Everyone knows it's good to stay active, but did you know it can also help you prevent and relieve back pain?

In the past, doctors frequently told patients to rest while recovering from back pain. While this may be beneficial in your initial stages of an injury, now more research shows that staying active is the key to success for back pain treatment.


A recent study examined the physical activity levels of 1,836 people who reported persistent back pain in 2002-3. Researchers collected information about patient BMI levels, physical activity leisure time, and pain symptoms. Four years later, the patients were asked to complete follow-up questionnaires.

The researchers found that active women were significantly more likely to recover from persistent back pain. Women with low activity levels had only a 46% chance of recovery, compared to moderately-active women with a 51% chance of recovery, and highly-active women with a 67% chance of recovery.

Physical activity was not shown to significantly affect recovery in men, and BMI levels did not influence recovery rates in this study. However their BMI calculations relied on self-reporting of weight, which could have impacted the results. Earlier studies have also shown that obesity is a risk factor for back pain.

Researchers suggested that physical activity could reduce back pain by: 1) increasing circulation and production of endorphins; 2) reversing inflammation and connective tissue fibrosis; 3) easing co-existing conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis.

Our Aloha chiropractors often coach patients on using exercise therapies and physical activity to prevent back pain. But increasing your physical activity is just one important piece of successful treatment. Active therapies, like the chiropractic care and physical therapy we provide for our Aloha patients, are key for alleviating back pain.

Whether you're recovering from disc herniation, sciatica, work injuries, or auto injuries, we can help you discover lasting back pain relief. Call Oregon Medical Centers today at, (503) 642-2845.

Bohman T, Alfredsson L, Hallgvist J, Vingard E, Skillgate E. The influence of self-reported leisure time physical activity and the body mass index on recovery from persistent back pain among men and women: a population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health 2013 April 25; 13(1): 385.

August 05, 2013
Doctor Sunita Bhasin, Aloha & Salem, OR

Dr. Sunita Bhasin, D.C.

Dr. Bhasin grew up in Southern California and did her undergraduate work in pre-med at California State University Northridge, as well as Humboldt State University in California. Dr. Bhasin attended the University of Western States in Portland Oregon where she earned her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. Dr. Bhasin has passed her National boards and her State Boards. Dr. Bhasin loves helping people and finds great joy helping injured people get out of pain and get their life back again. She has helped thousands of patients.